Sunday, September 7, 2008

Is IT in you?

Next to the Nike "Just do it" slogan, one of my other favorites is Gatorade's "Is IT in you?" It speaks to what you're made of, what's at your core, who you are. Athletes can relate to this, that feeling of having your sport in your bones.

I found myself thinking that as I went for a run yesterday. I was at my guy's house and turns out, he lives about 6 miles from me. It's the perfect distance to run. I run to my house; he drives. We see who gets there first ( he gives me a head start and so far, he's not been home but a few minutes and I'm there!) Sounds crazy, maybe, but when "it's in you," you'll do what it takes to get your run in. And along with being a yoga teacher, I'm a runner.

When I taught yoga full time, I had no trouble saying I was a yoga teacher. When people asked me what I did for a living, I said it with confidence. Now, this was after years of working in the corporate sector and believe me, at one point, I thought that was my life. Needless to say, things change. But then when finances and practical matters required that I return to work and drop my teaching schedule to part-time, I found myself struggling when people asked me what I did for a living. I stammered on about teaching, then returning to work but teaching part-time and it all sounded very complicated. But then I realized, at the heart of it, I am a yoga teacher, just like I'm a runner and the rest is just details.

So now, when people ask, I say with confidence, "I'm a yoga teacher" and I figure eventually, they'll pick up the rest of the story.
So, who are you? What's at your core? Are you feeding your passion? You'd better figure it out. Life is short.

Be well.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

and you're a darn good yoga teacher with a wacky sense of humor