Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Stick to the plan

I ran last night on a full stomach. Did I ever tell you that it's a bad idea? Remember when your mom would tell you not to go swimming until you'd waited one half hour after eating? Well, if you ate a big sandwich and french fries, add about three hours to that. But I had to stick to my plan. I'm in the last three weeks of training and when I made up my running plan on Sunday night (it's a ritual) by consulting my book and coach, I knew I had to run one half hour last night. After spending all afternoon on the golf course ( it was part of my birthday celebration!) I couldn't fit the run into the day's schedule until the evening. But I did it. It wasn't pretty but I was glad I did.
Sometimes sticking to the schedule for whatever you're training for feels like you're just going through the motions. But really you're training yourself to push through resistance and persist, despite challenges along the way. This is great training for the mind as well as the body.
Be well, eat light and have a great day.

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