Monday, October 13, 2008

Six days left!

Went out for a five miler tonight. It was one of those nights when you run around the Charles River in Boston and you look at the sky and there's a full moon.. and the sky is a beautiful shade of blue..and the lights of the buildings make things look all the more bright.. and in that moment, your heart just fills with so much love and gratitude and joy that you're simply alive that you think you might burst out into tears right there on the pavement.

Well, that's how I felt tonight. And if you've never tapped into that depth of feeling, well, I can only hope that you open yourself enough to start to..because it really puts things into perspective.

The legs felt great tonight. For some reason, almost back to normal. Strange because nothing significant has really changed. I did ice yesterday and have been pretty regularly. I'm hoping if I keep up this week with icing I will be in good shape for Sunday.

The plan is posted on the flip chart wall; I've thought of a few more things to add. Tomorrow, I'm getting my race number. It's early but always better to get that out of the way as soon as you can. I'm keeping to the plan for the next week and so far, so good.

Love life.

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