Sunday, October 5, 2008

You are unique

I went to a wedding yesterday. The bride and groom really made it their own. The setting, the vows, the officiant, the music, the table names all gave you a sense of who they are as individuals and together. It got me thinking about how unique everyone is while we live in a world that is full of trends and many of us flocking to the same things: Starbucks, the Apple store, Whole Foods. Did you ever stand in line at Starbucks, knowing you'd be late for work but you stay anyway? Maybe it's just me, but from the looks of the lines I've been in, I think not.

So what does this have to do with marathon training? As I completed my last long run today (18 miles) I realized that ultimately, I have to make this race my own. Despite the hundreds of other runners I'll be with on October 19, I have to wear what I want, eat what I want, use my i pod if I want and most of all, run my own race.

I am in the last two weeks of training. This week, along with running, I'll make a playlist for the i pod, confirm the clothes I'll wear, eat well and try to get more rest than is usual.

Sleep well!

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