Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Wonder where I've been?

Wonder where I've been, dear blog reader friends? Well, I haven't been running, that's for sure!
After the marathon on the 19th, I took most of that week off. As you saw, I tried a little yoga one night and felt reasonable. I then tried a five mile run on Friday night, 10/24, and to my surprise, I started getting tight calves about halfway through the run. I forged on though, desparate to get a sweat going in an all-familiar way. The next day, Saturday, I took a wonderful yoga workshop and felt great. I rested Sunday through today and tried a short 3 mile run today, which went pretty well.
So, overall, it's been a pretty slow recovery since the race. I feel like I've put on a few pounds too from just eating a bit more and not sweating as much! Needless to say, it does not feel great and I'm struggling to get into a new routine. Why the heck did I pick this picture of snow? Well, believe it or not, parts of NY and NJ got snow yesterday! Yes, my friends, it's time that we runners start to think about getting creative with running so we can keep ourselves out there even in these cold winter months. Truth be told, I do a lot more yoga in the winter than run. I like the rest it gives my body and honestly, I'm a wimp for the cold. But today I ran at lunchtime and it was great. I am truely grateful when my work schedule permits a 60 minute break that will allow me to run about 3-4 miles, shower and be back at my desk. If you can do it, I highly encourage it. You get to run with the light and some sun and then when you go home after work, you can relax and have fun.
This weekend we turn the clocks back. Although it's a sign that we're headed into the winter months ( which, here in New England seem to last forever!), let's use it as the catalyst to start a new routine. Bundle up and take your dog for regular long walks. Start a lunchtime work out routine. Pick a new yoga studio and find a night class that will get you out of the house regularly instead of on the couch under a blanket. Get a work out partner and pick some collective times to exercise together.
We all need a little inspiration. Each year, I go over to the local Life is Good store and I buy a few cool scarfs and hats. It's part of my "love winter" plan.
Do something that will help you ring in the new season! Be well.

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