Sunday, October 12, 2008

Write it down.. make it happen!

I bought a flipchart the other day. Sometimes, when you need to stay focused, you have to go "old school." No computers, spreadsheets or electronic reminders. Just good old-fashioned paper and markers. I made a list. A list of the activities for me for the next seven days and a final "to-do" list of things for the marathon. Things like picking up my race number, seeing the course, sleeping more than usual. Figuring out the schedule for the day of the race, determining what I'm going to wear. Then, I hung it on the bathroom door. That way, I can see it all the time and stay on track.

Do you have a goal you're working towards? Looking for a job, changing careers, losing weight, changing some negative behaviors? Go to Staples. Buy a flipchart and some fun Sharpie markers. Make a list. Hang it up. Then, make it happen.

I ran five yesterday. Legs feel good. Then, I played golf for three hours. A lesson and two hours of the driving range. Needless to say, I'm a bit sore today. Today, rest and a light running week.
Heading for Sunday!

Be well.

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