Thursday, October 16, 2008

Can nervous energy work in your favor?

I woke up today with a lot of nervous energy. Now that we're heading into the final 72 hours before the big race, I am finding that I'm really nervous. Not scared, really, but more just excited and filled with anticipation. I feel this way before every road race but it usually doesn't start until the morning of the race. It's odd to have it start so soon! I guess it starts earlier depending on the length of the race and given this is the longest one I've run, it's starting a few days before!
My past experience with nerves is that they keep me on my toes. They keep me awake and alert and actually help my performance. I remember when I was young and in plays and concerts; recall many years of cheerleading and performing in athletic events. Big meetings at work and public speaking both as part of my professional corporate career and as a yoga teacher. Geez, the first yoga class I taught in a big studio was certainly something that I was really nervous about.. but all those things went well and in retrospect I was prepared and the nerves kept me on my toes and present and aware...all which only helped my performance.
I picked the picture I did today because I recently bought a placemat that I am trying out as a floor tile. It sounds crazy but it's so nice to stand on rocks when you are in bare feet. I might buy a few more and just have an area of the house where you can stand on rocks. It's like a little bit of nature inside and it feels wonderful.
I ran my last run last night before the race. I took a familiar 5 mile route around the Charles. I ran a bit faster than race day pace but it felt natural and healthy. I felt a bit nostalgic as I ran thinking that it was the last time I'd run around the river before the race. Months of preparation and years of running around the river have prepared me for this day. I am so happy that I decided to do this and so happy that I've stuck to the plan and now the day is here.
The next two days is for yoga, hydration and to see the race course tomorrow.
Be well.

1 comment:

Janette said...

I've been following your blog and your training. I just ran Hartford and was also really anxious a few days before. Then on race morning I was calm. It's usually the opposite for me!

Definitely rest up over the next couple of days. Get a lot of sleep and carb up too!

Best of luck and most importantly, have fun!