Monday, July 7, 2008

A day of sports for the Ages

Today I am listening to my body and taking a rest day. After my long run yesterday late afternoon, I woke up with soreness in my calves. I took a long walk with the dog this morning and did a little bit of light yoga.

I am still so inspired by the sporting events this weekend. Dara Torres, who, at 41, is going off to her fifth Olympics; Michael Phelps securing his way into five Olympic events in Bejing and who will ever forget the epic match yesterday between Raphel Nadal and Roger Federer. I taped the final minutes and the ceremony afterwards and will watch it several times again. It is a true picture of two people giving all that that have, and more, and then afterwards, showing nothing but grace to not only each other, but to their family and their supporters. It was truely a gift to watch and an inspiration to everyone who saw it.

Tomorrow I will be back on the road but today is a day to take care of my body.

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