Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Do you push yourself?

Today's run was interval training. I was scheduled to do track work but I loathe it, so I decided instead to try intervals. Since my injury on July 8th, I haven't really pushed my leg, which makes sense. I've dropped my mileage, changed the content of my runs to more of a "slow, steady" pattern and added swimming, icing, advil and exercises. This week, I'll add in physical therapy.

But this morning I decided that since my leg does not seem to be getting any worse with running (somewhat of an interesting barometer) and at times it feels better than others, that I'd decided to test it's capabilities a bit.

Well, it did fine. I did somewhat of a " 3 minute tempo run/2 minute slow run" pattern and was lucky enough to be hitting the tempo sections while strong guys were passing me, so I was able to use them as pace setters. I started with a 1 mile jog and then did 4 miles of the interval pattern. I was very pleased that the leg held out fine and feels pretty much the same after that run as it did after yesterday's slow, steady pace.

It got me to thinking about other times in my life when I was pushed beyond what I thought was my edge. Certainly many times in my training as a yoga teacher, times in my professional career and certainly my personal life... there have been many instances where I've had to step out of my comfort zone and see what was possible. And I can honestly say that in most instances, I had a lot more to give than I thought.

How about you? Are you living in your comfort zone? Training in your comfort zone? Is your career in a comfort zone? What more do you have to give that you could?

All food for thought ( with no calories!)


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