Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Keeping the "Positive Factor"

When Raffa Nadal beat Roger Federer on Sunday in their epic final match of Wimbledon 2008, he was asked by a stunned and grateful John McEnroe afterwards how he kept going, especially when, after being up two sets to none, he found himself tied at two sets a piece. " I just kept the positive factor," he haltingly, but beautifully, said.

All day today I kept trying to "keep the positive factor" as I deal with this new injury. I'm angry that it could be my new shoes that caused it. I'm angry that I can't run for the next few days but I know it's the best thing if I ever stand a chance at healing. So, as I wrapped my ankle in ice for the umpteenth time today, I just kept saying to myself, "Keep the positive factor."

There are some great articles about achilles tendonitis on the Runners World website. It's also a great resource to runners and makes a great read even to non-runners as well. Also, it really pays to reach out to your friends and supports when you're hurt. I got a great referral today to a physical therapist and got a lot of positive words of encouragement from friends and family. Better to reach out then to suffer in silence.

Tonight is more resting, icing, massaging, light stretching.

Keep the positive factor!

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