Tuesday, July 29, 2008

"How not to want what you don't have"

.....otherwise known as: "How to be at peace with what you've got."

I started my run this morning wishing I had another body. My achilles was tight and overall I just did not feel good. This is not uncommon for morning runners or yoga students and a morning routine requires a bit of faith that in a little while, you will start to feel better. But as I started running, I looked at those who passed me, with a spring in their step and I started to feel sorry for myself. Why did I have to get injured? I started to remember just a few weeks ago when my morning runs were filled with joy because I was feeling strong and healthy.

Then I stopped. I looked around at the scenery, the birds, the sun, and yes, the morning runners too. I decided enough is enough.

It's easy to fall into a game of comparison. Geez, we rank each other as runners at the end of the race.. you're first, your second, and so on. Yoga may not have first, second or third place, but make no mistake about it, students and teachers alike get caught up in the comparison game. When we run past someone, or practice next to someone it's easy to think that that person is taller, shorter, prettier, in better shape, more flexible, faster, thinner, more muscular.. the list goes on and on.

But what a waste of energy. Why not take that energy and put it into yourself. Being grateful for what you have. Even if you're walking instead of running. Or you're a beginning yoga student and you have no idea what you're doing.

So, today I ran five miles. All in all, not too shabby.

Have a nice day.

1 comment:

Janette said...

I love this post!

I find myself doing a similar thing, except more of the "why can't my legs fit in those skinny jeans" sort of thing. Well... my legs don't fit in the skinny jeans because I am training, because my legs are full of muscle, because my legs are strong and ready to run.

It's always good to look at it from a what you have standpoint instead of what you don't have, as you said.

So those runners had a little extra spring in their stop, but they probably don't have as much grace in their scorpion. :)