Saturday, July 12, 2008

Doesn't everyone soak their feet in their lobster pot?

I found a great new use for that big, red, enamel lobster pot that I only used once two years ago. I came home from my run, filled it with ice and cold water and stuck my injured foot in it. I know, gross. Well, whatever. I only used it once and I don't expect to be running out to buy lobsters any day soon. My priorities have shifted from lobsters to getting my leg healthy. Yes, today I went out for my first run since Tuesday when I got injured and developed achilles tendonitis. Well, I should say it was more like a run/walk which kills my pride, but I promised myself that I'd listen to my body and use this run as more of an experiment. Well, my body was definitely giving me feedback and I listened to it. This means that I felt the leg, like a constant pulling on the left achilles. It's definitely not 100% and the worst thing I could do is continue to run as regularly as I was before. So, I'm only going to run 3 days a week for two weeks and continue treating it with ice, massage, gentle stretching and see how it goes.

I also had a great revelation at Marathon Sports today. We realized that because I had inserts in my other shoes but did not put them in my new Mizunos, and the new shoes already are flatter than my old Adidas Supernova's, I was most likely causing a problem due to the flatter shoes, thereby putting more of a stretch on my achilles. So we put my inserts into my new shoes and we'll try that. I'm also considering buying a new pair of Supernova's and switching between the two shoes.

I might also join a gym this week for a few months so I can swim and have an alternate to running and yoga.

It's always better to have information than not and I will work through this and stay on course for Baystate 08. I decided to drop out of my plans for a July race next week and get completely healed for Falmouth on August 10.

Have a great night.

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