Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Knowing when to say "when"

Well, it happened. The inevitable? Perhaps. I was hoping not. I now have developed tendinitis in my left leg. I have had this before and it's real challenge to treat. It's one of those things that you just have to let rest, and yes, resting means NO RUNNING. I was out today for a hill work out, which starts with a 3 mile run and sure enough, mid-run, there it was. Now, I am running in new shoes and they don't have the heel lifts in them as I had in my other shoes. I had heard once that this was helpful for those that develop tendinitis. So, perhaps I will put the heel inserts in the new shoes and see if that helps.

But right now, my real challenge is to let it rest. If I run for the next few days straight, I could really put myself out of the race completely. As someone told me recently, " all the work outs in the world don't mean a damn if you don't get to the line healthy."

So, on my run today, I listened and said, "Ok, I give." I stopped ( which I never do) and walked the rest of the way home ( I was almost there but it's a big deal to me).

I will ice, rest and do some gentle yoga for the next few days. I can take a few days off now.. it's only July.

Take care of your body!

Be well.

1 comment:

dfg said...

hey there Karen, hope you're ok and back on your feet soon(when you're ready!). I'm also training for a fall marathon and your writing is inspiring. Rest up and take care. See you in class.